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Book DesignReturn
Marketing encompasses everything about your book from the title to the cover design and even the category it’s listed under. Start thinking about your book as a product – as well as a piece of creative genius!
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We quite often receive typescripts and print-ready PDF files where the order of the front and end matter appears to be rather random. If you’re submitting a typescript to us or any other publisher the publisher will sort it out but if you are submitting print ready PDF files to a self-publishing service you may find that the self-publishing service won’t bother to correct this. That won’t happen with us but sometimes these corrections can be difficult to do or introduce new complications, for...
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If you are preparing your own cover file PDF you will need to know how thick the spine will be. We can tell you this when you know how many pages are in your book. We can confirm the spine thickness to you and give you a template for your cover design, but there are a few other factors to take into account.
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One of the ironies of being an author is that you are likely to need the help of an artist or graphic designer in order to sell your work. The reason for this is that readers do judge books by their covers and if the cover has been well-created they will have a lot of helpful information with which to do so. If your budget really doesn’t stretch to hiring a professional, then it is crucial to create the best cover you possible can and to avoid these five major errors.
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